
Research and Working Papers

تقدير العلاقات التشابكية بين القطاعات الاقتصادية في الأردن استناداً لجدول المدخلات والمخرجات لعام 2010

This study aims to analyze the interlinkages between the economic sectors in Jordan based on the Input-Output tables (IOT) for the year 2010, using the Leontief model, in order to identify the direct and indirect economic multiplier for various economic sectors, thus identifying the leading sectors in the Jordanian economy. The results of the study showed that the manufacturing sector came at the forefront of economic sectors, in terms of its interlinkages, and the value of the multiplier, as the total multiplier (direct and indirect) for this sector amounted to 2.166 per 1 Jordanian Dinar spent in this sector. The results also show that the “electricity and water” sector ranked second (total multiplier 2.033), then “restaurants and hotels” ranked third (total multiplier 1.968). Consequently, these sectors are the most leading sectors in the Jordanian economy. The study recommends directing government policies towards supporting these sectors in order to stimulate economic growth, and reduce unemployment in the Kingdom, especially within the manufacturing sector, which, along with its strong interlinkages, has a great potential to create job opportunities.

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