
Vision Mission and Core Values



Continue maintaining monetary stability and contribute to achieving banking and financial stability in a way that contributes to achieving sustainable development in the Kingdom.



Mission :

Maintaining monetary stability represented in the stability of the Jordanian dinar exchange rate, the stability of the general level of prices and contributing to providing an attractive and stimulating investment environment for sustainable development through providing a convenient interest rate structure and applying micro and macro prudential supervision policies that contribute to achieving banking and financial stability. In addition to providing a safe and efficient payment environment, promoting financial inclusion, protecting the financial consumer, as well as motivating innovation and business development in the field of secure financial technology. For this purpose, the CBJ optimally utilizes its human, financial, physical, technical and knowledge resources.

Core Values :



Engagement: Loyalty at work, sense of responsibility and commitment towards CBJ, its employees and all stakeholders.


Integrity and transparency: Commitment to good governance standards in the various activities and operations of the CBJ to ensure equality, equal opportunities, dealing fairly and impartially with all the CBJ's stakeholders and employees, and adherence to professional standards and rules of disclosure of information and knowledge in line with the relevant policies and instructions.


Excellence: Continuous improvement and development in the performance of the CBJ's tasks and the quality of services it provides in a way that improves the institutional performance of the CBJ in accordance with the best international standards and practices.


Continuous learning and training: Continuously develop the employees’ professional and scientific capabilities and knowledge, in addition to supporting and motivating competencies.


Participation: Building and promoting a teamwork culture at the intellectual and practical level at all administrative levels to ensure the achievement of the CBJ's objectives efficiently and distinctively, and enhance work with all stakeholders to achieve common goals.


Innovation: Applying creative ideas based on knowledge and learning, keeping pace with international developments, adopting modern technologies, encouraging entrepreneurship, excellence and development, which contributes to improving the level of the CBJ's operations.

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