
Deputy Governors

Deputy Governor of the Central Bank / H.E. Mr. Ziad Asa’ad Ghanma

By a Royal Decree, H.E Mr. Ziad Ghanma was appointed as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan as of February 9, 2022.

Mr. Ziad Ghanma - who was born in 1961 - held several positions while serving at the Bank where he started serving at the Banking Supervision Department in 1990 as a “Banking Examiner”, then in 2004 he was promoted to the position of “Head of Examiners” at the same Department, and in 2008 was promoted to the position of Assistant Executive Manager at the Banking Supervision Department, then to be promoted in 2009 to become the Executive Manager of the same department, continuing in that capacity until he was appointed as the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan in 2022.

Also, Mr. Ghanma was actively engaged in all of the projects concerning Bylaws and regulations governing the banking, microfinance and credit bureaus sectors in Jordan including projects concerning Governance, Risk Management, Liquidity Management, Capital Adequacy, Internal Control and Internal / External Audit.

Mr. Ghanma holds a Master’s degree in International Banking and Financial Studies from Heriot-Watt University, UK, and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Al-Yarmouk University in Jordan.

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